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The aim of this GCRF-funded workshop was to address the challenge of developing affordable health technologies in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This workshop successfully brought together 30 scientists and engineers from the UK, Colombia and Brazil who have expertise and interest in the development and design of healthcare technologies in a low cost setting. The work shop was organised by Dr Amir Keshmiri, Director of CFD Research/CFD Consultancy group based at University of Manchester, UK.

This multidisciplinary workshop was the first of its kind and significantly benefited early career biomedical engineers and scientists from all three countries. The attendees from Colombia and Brazil provided an insight into the demand, opportunities and challenges in designing low cost health technologies in their countries, while the UK attendees benefited from understanding the requirements in resource restricted settings. 

The main aims of the workshop were to: 

  • Bring together researchers from UK, Colombia and Brazil in a single venue and provide opportunity to initiate discussion around ‘Innovative Engineering Solutions in Affordable Health Technologies’. 

  • Identify common grounds of interest amongst attendees from all 3 different countries and to create a strong platform for a sustainable collaboration, primarily to apply for a large GCRF grant in near future. 

  • Facilitate the understanding of the state of the art technologies used by leading researchers in UK and possible adoption of these technologies in Colombia and Brazil. The workshop focus on the following three key themes: Modelling and simulation.Medical devices.Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning.


Organising Committee 

Dr Amir Keshmiri, University of Manchester/ManchesterCFD team, United Kingdom. (Read more


Prof Juan Carlos Briceño Triana, University of Los Andes, Colombia. (Read more) 

Dr Marcos Barreto, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil. (Read more) 

Dr Michael McElroy, CASP Technologies Limited, United Kingdom. (Read more


Keynote speakers will be giving talks from each country and attendees will be expected to provide a presentation under one of the three themes of the workshop. 

To qualify to have travel and accommodation expenses covered, attendees must meet the following requirements: 

  • Be an early career researcher/academic (5 years post-PhD maximum) working at a university or a company based in the UK, Brazil or Colombia.

  • Have a proven research track record in the field of Health Technologies/Engineering Design/Medical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering/Medical Devices/Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning.

  • Demonstrate keen interest in developing affordable health technologies through their personal statement. 

  • Be fully engaged throughout the workshop, attend all the sessions and activities and actively seek collaboration with other participants.

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